Formative Years

Gifted with a genetic predisposition toward artistic pursuits, spatial relationships, colors, etc., I explored them througout early childhood and have been involved in artistic projects of one form or another throughout my life. Initially enrolled in college and studied art, but eventually left art, and college, to begin a checkered career. Some of those jobs included movie theatre manager, field engineer during nuclear plant construction, hazardous materials manager, mental health worker. Returning to college and studying hard sciences, resulted in a degree in molecular biology. From very early in life some favorite activities involved building and creating with Legos, Tinker Toys, Erector Sets, etc. Have always been interested in how structures and shapes fit together. This inherent curiousity was advantageous and further strengthened while performing engineering work. Frequently my time is spent visually and physically observing how objects interact and fit together.


These drawings pull elements from a number of different cultural areas and eras. They have been perceived as a number of different styles and effects fused together. Having lived in a number of different locations as a child, moving frequently during elementary school, inculding third grade in Japan, instilled an apprectation for various styles of art and architecture. Futher elements, to name a few, would include Native American, Mayan and Aztec influences. Architecturally a fan of Frank Lloyd Wright's work ever since living in Springfield IL as small child. Found the design elements in the Dana-Thomas House, designed by Wright in 1902 for the socialite Susan Lawernce Dana. (See more of the Dana/Thomas house at Dana-Thomas Official Website). Modern architecture, industrial landscapes, circuit boards, etc. have also factored into perceptions of how materials fit together with each other. Later in life, almost suddenly and quite unexpectedly, I began creating drawings in this style. Luckily, have been able to spend untold hours coming up with various designs, drawing and color schemes. Hope you find them interesting.

Contact Info

I would like to hear what you think.

Constructive criticism always welcome.

David Watkins Area 51 Art Werx

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